The word “espresso” comes from the Italian word for "express" since espresso is made for and served immediately.
According to the Specialty Coffee Association of America:
An espresso is a 1-1.5 ounce beverage that is prepared from 7-9 grams of coffee through with purified water of 198-202 degrees has been forced at 9-10 atmospheres of pressure for a brew time of 20-30 seconds.
At our cafes, we typically brew a double shot of espresso (approx. 1.5-2oz), which measures 17-19 grams and brewed between 22-28 seconds.

1. Weigh 17-19 grams of coffee and grind it using a calibrated burr grinder that grinds slightly finer than table salt.
2. Put that ground coffee into the puck of your portafilter. Using your tamp, place your portafilter on a level surface and tamp the espresso grinds. When you tamp, be sure your arm is at a 90 degree angle pressing downward to ensure even distribution of grounds and extraction.
3. Place a scale under your shot glass or vessel being used and tare it to 0. Insert the portafilter into your espresso machine and begin extraction. Stop your shot when it yields between 40-42 grams/1.5-2oz (duration between 22-28 seconds). Taste & enjoy!

Your espresso shot should have three visible parts to it:
Heart: Dark brown base at the bottom of your vessel
Body: The middle layer, slightly lighter in color than the Heart
Crema: Foamy, Creamy, Light Brown layer at the top that is the source of sweetness.